And In The Beginning, There Was Food… And Holiday Weight Gain + RECIPE: Stir Fry with Avocado over Cous Cous

(Intended to be posted on the 2nd)

Parental Guidance Warning: This blog entry contains two pieces of foul language on account of eating terribly over the holidays. I think you’ll understand.

I stepped on the scale this morning, and I was really disappointed with myself. I gained 5 pounds in a week and a half.

::Shakes fist angrily in the air:: I let the holidays fuck up all my hard work for a month and a half.

Never has it been more clear to me why I need to maintain eating healthy food and exercising.

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Day 6 & 7: Volunteering Is My New Favorite Thing

On Saturday September 29th, I volunteered at CitySeed ( for the first time. I spent three hours at the Wooster Square Farmer’s Market helping Nadine Nelson ( with her demonstration on tomato curry chutney.

While working with her, I learned a few really awesome techniques. She said with chutneys, it’s all about just putting everything in the pot together and letting it boil down and get thick. The portion of produce can be substituted out with other produce. For instance, we made tomato chutney, but you can make plum by substituting in the same amount of plums as you did tomatoes. Below are the photos I took while helping her:

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Day 2: Damn It Sucks To Go On A Diet, But Of Course It Does, It’s Day 2.

Today I woke up extremely late for work (as I had a meeting yesterday later in the day off site, and didn’t have to go into work on time, so my alarm was late) and so I scurried quickly through my house and ate my home made granola clusters on the way to work.

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