The Day Before the Day Before the Day: Re-Motivating

Dear January 2013,

I just completed a half hour walk with my partner, and we said something to eachother we haven’t had a chance to say for the last three weeks: “Hey, can we talk about my life?”

In case you didn’t know (as you are a month, and I don’t suppose you know a lot about me), I make handmade books under the small press Stamped Books. I created the press because I wanted to publish people who I felt didn’t get a voice in popular publishing. Lately, I’ve strayed from this original intention, and realized that my greatest love was always the physical act of making books. I still love making books, but even when I decided my very minimal schedule for the following year, it seemed unmanageable.

Let me explain why unmanageable is the best way to put it. I have four priorities for you, January 2013. These are not in order, as they are all very important to me:

1. Eat a plant-based diet – But this doesn’t just mean eat that way. I want to learn new cooking techniques, read about vegan and raw food, nutrition, and farming. And by farming, I mean organic farming, factory farming, how to grow a garden, the whole shabang.

2. Start applying for jobs – Even though my term as an AmeriCorps VISTA doesn’t end until July 12, 2013, many adjunct and college jobs are taking applications now. It will be important that I begin to apply for those types of jobs. At least twice a week, I will have to sit down and do searches for jobs.

3. Get a better handle of my finances – I have no money, and that is putting it lightly. I need to save money towards a security deposit (for a place with my parnter) for when I return to Pennsylvania. I need to keep track of my purchases, figure out my spending limits, and get a reasonable amount saved each month. This probably seems simple to most, but it will be my first month doing it in a really serious, mature way, so I want to stay on top of it.

4. Exercise regularly – As it stands, I walk to and from work and to and from the farmer’s market. But that is not enough. I would like to start walking at least three days a week at work, if not more. I’d also like to do step ups at home at least twice a week, if not three times.

In all of that hullabuloo, I’m not entirely sure I’ll have time to breathe, let alone make books.

Here’s another thing I realized while talking to my partner on this cold afternoon: I like making things with my hands. I enjoy cooking, crocheting, and making books. I think I’d like sewing, I just don’t know how to quite yet (that’s for future Gina to figure out.) For now, I think I’d get much more satisfaction being able to work on a project here, and then switching to another project, and etc. I want it to be a hobby.

I am telling you this, January 2013, because I think it’s important you realize where my priorities are when I enter you. I want to make some changes, and it’s all going to start with you. My first week with you is going to be a little overwhelming, but I’m looking forward to seeing where we head together.

I’m looking forward to working hard at work, and coming home, and working hard at personal goals that are all mine.

I’m looking forward to documenting my journey with food and health.

I’m looking forward to accomplishing my goals.




3 thoughts on “The Day Before the Day Before the Day: Re-Motivating

  1. I love that you are on this journey! I am sure you will feel amazing after a month on plant-based foods! I have been SO surprised what a huge difference it made for me eating plant-based food. I can never go back – so I am excited for you 🙂
    Good luck and have fun!

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