Returning to Blogging

It’s been quite a long time since I have posted on this blog.

It’s been quite a long time since I’ve worked on being healthy.

Returning to this blog is my way of remembering that I need to focus on being healthy and contine to write about the struggles it can take to be healthy.

I was very happy with how far I had made it with my weight goals. And then I looked for a new job, and moved back to my home state, and had to find a car, and had very new bills, and very new stresses, and in general, I let it all go. I gained all of the weight back I had lost.

Lao Tze one said something along the lines of “each long journey begins with one step.” I think sometimes you even backpeddle past all the tread you’ve made, and need to make that step again. Due to certain circumstances, I’m starting with a first step in a lot of ways. I think that starting to work through my diet and exercise will help me stay positive about all of the other “beginnings” that I’ll be working through.

Stay tuned for recipes. Tonight I slow roasted tomatoes with olive oil and garlic in my oven. They smell fantastic. I can’t wait to eat them tomorrow. The day before I made coconut curry stir fry over red quinoa. My love for healthy food is coming back. And my love for exercise slowly is too. Saturday I hiked Glen Onoko Falls, a beautiful hiking trail near Jim Thorpe, PA. I hula-hooped today up and down my street.

This will come together. It will just take time. And my successes and failures will be documented here. I look forward to sharing them with you.

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