And In The Beginning, There Was Food… And Holiday Weight Gain + RECIPE: Stir Fry with Avocado over Cous Cous

(Intended to be posted on the 2nd)

Parental Guidance Warning: This blog entry contains two pieces of foul language on account of eating terribly over the holidays. I think you’ll understand.

I stepped on the scale this morning, and I was really disappointed with myself. I gained 5 pounds in a week and a half.

::Shakes fist angrily in the air:: I let the holidays fuck up all my hard work for a month and a half.

Never has it been more clear to me why I need to maintain eating healthy food and exercising.

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The Day Before the Day Before the Day: Re-Motivating

Dear January 2013,

I just completed a half hour walk with my partner, and we said something to eachother we haven’t had a chance to say for the last three weeks: “Hey, can we talk about my life?”

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Day 2: Damn It Sucks To Go On A Diet, But Of Course It Does, It’s Day 2.

Today I woke up extremely late for work (as I had a meeting yesterday later in the day off site, and didn’t have to go into work on time, so my alarm was late) and so I scurried quickly through my house and ate my home made granola clusters on the way to work.

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